God, you say I'm a saint,
but I feel only like a sinner.
Every careless word,
every stupid act
shows up to haunt my steps.
Thoughts assail me, crying out,
"You are worthless.
You are terrible.
You are a horrible person!"
How can I silence them?
They seem so true to me.
I feel like nothing,
a beaten down blade of grass
crushed under the weight of imperfection.
I know you love me,
but I don't feel love for myself.
Help me, Lord!
Help me to feel your love.
I want to grasp the depth of your compassion.
In me is only despair,
the thought I can never be better than I am.
Let me feel the arms of my savior,
he who gave his life for me,
holding me tight, squeezing my hand,
and whispering, "You were worth it.
Nothing you can do will stop me from loving you."
I long to hear these words,
now in the midst of my depression.
Speak to me!
May I hear your voice!
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