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Posted by
9:27 PM
Lord, banish doubt.
Destroy the enemy's arrows.
Shield us with your truth.
Keep us on the path.
Bring back those who stray.
Lift up those who fall.
Encourage those who are weak.
Gird up the failing.
Lord, we cling to you.
We stand on your assurance.
Make hope our banner
and faith our sword.
Posted by
8:27 AM
Lord, make me a mother after your own heart.
Make my life a reflection of Christ.
May I remember to love passionately,
to effuse compassion constantly,
to lift up the broken-hearted,
to speak words of peace.
May I remember that children are precious,
gifts from the Lord
and that to treat them poorly
is a poor reflection on me.
May I seek my children as you seek yours,
bringing them into fellowship with me.
Lord, make my heart big
and my anger small.
Make my patience strong
and my impatience weak.
May the words of my mouth
well up living water in my precious child.
Posted by
9:23 PM
You speak to me, Lord,
I hear your voice.
Your words flow from the Word;
the Savior draws me in.
You move my mind,
you direct my path.
With you I am safe,
with you I am free.
I love you, my God.
You draw back the veil
and let me see your face.
Posted by
9:20 PM
Blessing upon blessing,
you have poured into my life, O Lord.
All that is good comes from your hand,
all that I have is a gift from you.
Lord, keep me thankful,
ever thankful of your work in my life.
It is to you that I turn day by day
and remember to give you my gratitude.
May my thankful heart speak to you
forever and often.
Posted by
6:59 AM
Lord Jesus, you have made me free.
You have brought me peace and rest.
You do not snuff out a smoldering wick;
You do not break a bruised reed.
You proclaim you are with us always;
we have never been abandoned.
May I look to you, to your ways,
to your heart, to your instruction.
May they be my guide
as I navigate this life.